What if you could find a problem before it became a crisis?

You can with ZHH Employee Sick Calls

Ensure employees never work sick, save managers time to focus on running their restaurant, and identify potential outbreaks before they even start.

When an employee has an illness, they chat live, directly with the ZHH Clinical Team by text message or email, 7 days a week, from 6AM to Midnight. There’s no other service that can provide this instant employee support.

But let’s first lay out why sick calls are a necessary component in your operations...

Managers are not the right people to make health decisions.

When employees call out sick, their managers are both ill-equipped and counter-incentivized to keep employees out of work. Managers might force someone to work who is the highest risk, and might exclude someone who is safe to work.

Employees working sick is the single biggest threat vector for any outbreak.

Most outbreaks have a single starting point, a sick employee, a sick customer, a single incident in your business (and let's be honest, usually the bathroom!)

If you can keep that patient zero from spreading their illness, you've stopped an outbreak before it has a chance to spread.

You can’t see trends and you can’t see the big picture.

When these sick calls are simply one-on-one chats with managers, there’s no way for management to see this data or identify problematic trends (think 3+ people all reporting GI symptoms on the same day at the same location).

Employees fill out brief survey from their phone or laptop.

We know if you make this step tricky, people simply won't do it. So our form is super simple - employees just navigate to a URL, log-in using your normal login system, and take a <15 second questionnaire. Plus, we'll store all their pertinent info, so every repeat visit is even faster.

Employee is either CLEARED or NOT CLEARED, and clinical chat can begin.

If the employee doesn't have any issues, they get a big green check right in the browser, as well as sent to them via email.

If they are NOT CLEARED, the employee receives an SMS and email from our clinical team asking them to elaborate (more on this in a second!) and all key members of your team are notified by email instantly.

ZHH Clinical Team chats with employees to get complete information and context.

  • Real, human, clinical professionals chat directly with your employees via email or text message.
  • We get to the bottom of what's going on, whether that's assessing symptoms, figuring out when they actually had contact with someone COVID+, or hundreds of other possible scenarios.
  • The clinical team makes a recommended exclusion for that employee (and most of the time, it's no exclusion at all!)

Management team is notified of exclusion

  • We tell the employee when they can return to work first.
  • But immediately after, we send email notifications to the employee, their manager, and anyone else you want to be notified of that employee's exclusion.
  • We send special notifications for more serious issues, like confirmed COVID+, Hepatitis A, Norovirus, etc.

Get the full picture of your workforce health, in real-time.

  • Get alerts for key trends, like 3+ employees at a single location with gastrointestinal issues today.
  • We give you complete access to real-time data on the program, even conversations happening right now.
  • Managers, regional managers, and up all have access to dashboards automatically showing them only the data for employees they're responsible for.
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Let's talk about how we can protect your workforce.

Every organization has different needs and priorities, and we can tailor a sick call program that fits you.

Reach out here and we'll schedule a time ASAP to chat about how ZHH can serve your workforce!
Thank you for reaching out. A member of our team will be in touch momentarily to schedule a chat!
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