Zero Hour Health + Zedic Newsletter - Friday, March 26th

Fake vaccine cards, targeting "the persuadables" and getting a COVID vaccine at the dentist?

March 26, 2021

ZHH Updates

Please Join Us for Our Next Webinar!

Half of your employees are anxiously looking forward to or have already received their first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, but data shows there are another 30% who are still undecided or in a wait-and-see pattern. Reaching them is your business' key to getting back to “normal” and achieving herd immunity. But how do you do that?

We’ll be joined by Cathie Koch, GVP of Corporate Affairs for Bloomin’ Brands, and Sarah Spah, MSN with the Vaccine Branch of the Minnesota Department of Health COVID-19 Response Division (formerly with the Mayo Clinic) for this timely conversation.

When: Wed., April 7 at 2 p.m. ET
Register Here

NY's New Law - We Can Help You Navigate It

NY passed a law requiring employers to pay employees for time spent getting vaccinated. CA may be headed toward a similar requirement. Need help tracking your employee’s vaccination status? We may be able to help.
Learn more about our vaccine tracking and schedule a demo here!

Today's Recap:

Best Questions:

I’ve started hearing that people should abstain from alcohol between their first and second doses of the COVID vaccine. Is this true?

For the answer to this question (and other great info!), make sure to follow us on LinkedIn.

If a fully vaccinated person can still spread COVID-19, why aren’t they excluded after exposure to a positive person, even if they have no symptoms?

Scientists are still studying transmission and duration of protection in fully vaccinated people. There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that fully vaccinated people are less likely to have asymptomatic infection, and some early research shows that they’re less likely to transmit the virus to others.

Given the initial data, our best guess is that the CDC wants to balance caution with the risk of going too long without providing guidelines for the increasingly large population who are vaccinated. Plus, this helps with two other concerns: First, it allows older, vaccinated Americans to start seeing their also-vaccinated friends and helps them to be less isolated, a huge concern for mental health during the pandemic. Plus it’s another great reason to get vaccinated if you won’t need to quarantine if you’re exposed later, which “may help improve vaccine acceptance and uptake” according to the CDC.

Long story short, there is still some risk that fully vaccinated people may get COVID and spread it to others. But the CDC believes the benefits of relaxing some of the quarantine requirements and reducing social isolation may outweigh the residual risk. 


Which vaccine is the safest?

All the vaccines available in the U.S. are safe and effective. There isn't one that's "safer" than the others. All available vaccines have undergone large scale clinical trials and continue to be observed through intensive vaccine safety monitoring systems. For a vast majority of people, side effects of the vaccine will be limited to mild symptoms or nonexistent. 

In nearly all cases, any vaccine available in the US is far safer than getting COVID. Any of the vaccines will slash your chances of getting seriously sick or dying from COVID. Again, we recommend that you take whichever vaccine you can get an appointment slot for. 

If an employee who is partially or fully vaccinated develops symptoms, do they need to be excluded?

Yes.  If someone who is fully vaccinated is exposed and symptom-free, they no longer need to be excluded. But if anyone, vaccinated or not, develops symptoms, they will need to stay home and quarantine. Breakthrough cases, where people get sick with COVID after getting vaccinated, are rare, but they can occur, much like reinfection is rare but does occur in those who previously had COVID. If someone has symptoms, they need to stay home to protect others, regardless of their vaccination status or prior COVID+ status. 

If an employee is at a pharmacy to get tested (for either symptoms or exposure) and offered the vaccine, should they take it?

If they are symptom free, then YES - it’s their lucky day! If they are getting tested because they’re feeling sick, though, they should wait. For those with confirmed COVID, it’s not recommended to get the vaccine until they meet the criteria for ending their self-isolation. So if you go into the pharmacy feeling bad, it’s best to wait for those results and get the vaccine once you’re feeling better.

Best Read:

Social distancing, mask mandates, bans on public and private gatherings; these measures, which we’ve become so familiar with today, are eerily similar to those enacted almost a century ago during the deadly 1918 influenza pandemic. Perhaps the way Americans emerged from that pandemic could foreshadow what post-pandemic life will be like this time around? 

Read “People Gave up on Flu Pandemic Measures a Century Ago when They Tired of Them – and Paid a Price” here.

Best Laugh: