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All vaccines can cause rare side effects in some people, like heart inflammation that we’ve all heard about. Some people have had a variety of symptoms that resemble Long COVID after vaccination rather than infection. For a long time, doctors and researchers were unclear if this was really linked to vaccination or whether these people might have gotten COVID without knowing it. Over the past few months, more of the scientific and public health community is accepting that some rare cases may be linked to vaccines, though there is still very little research and nothing concrete confirming that vaccines caused these symptoms. Either way, ‘Long Vax’ is much, much rarer than Long COVID is after infection, and it’s important to emphasize that vaccine benefits far outweigh the risk. Is it possible that in some rare cases, vaccines cause similar symptoms to long COVID? Yes. But you’re far more likely to get Long COVID after getting a serious case of COVID - and the vaccine is still the best way to protect from that.
Source: Science
We’re getting lots of calls about head lice right now, so you’re not alone. First, don’t panic - head lice are unpleasant and contagious, but they don’t spread disease. They aren’t indicators of poor hygiene and are actually very common, especially among young children. The employees should go home and treat their lice at least once before returning to work, usually with an over-the-counter medicated shampoo. They can ask their doctor or pharmacist for advice if they need it. In your business, any common areas with high-backed chairs, cots for napping, or shared clothing with collars that touch the base of the neck should be disinfected or washed and dried on high heat. Your pest control expert can do an inspection for you but the use of insecticide sprays or fogs is not recommended and aren’t necessary to control lice.
Source: CDC, SHRM
Malaria symptoms include fever, chills, headache, muscle aches, and fatigue. Sometimes, they also include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Symptoms can take a while - from 10 to 30 days after being bit by a mosquito. Malaria can be misdiagnosed as a virus, especially since it’s so rare in non-travelers in the US. With new cases in Texas and Florida, it’s something to keep an eye out for, but it’s not an acute concern for businesses right now. General mosquito control is still crucial to prevent other diseases like West Nile.
Source: NBC
Study spotlights personal, health system impact of long COVID | CIDRAP