Yes. As soon as they start to show symptoms, get them separated from the rest of the staff (including the manager) ASAP - consider putting them in the manager's office or any other separate space. If they drove themselves to work and are well enough to drive home, that’s great. If they carpooled with another employee, do not let that employee drive them home unless they already live together - otherwise the driver will have to be excluded for 14 days. If a family member or roommate can come pick them up, that’s best. If they require immediate medical attention and can’t drive home, call 911.
We know that it’s hot out, and we have had some misleading temps from folks coming in out of the hot weather. If you’re conducting on-site temperature checks, take an employee’s temp twice in a row to confirm the temp. Then ask them to step aside (out of the hot sun, if you’re in a place that’s warming up as we move into spring and summer) and sit down for 2 minutes. Be sure they’re separated from anyone else, as you’ll likely have to send them right home if that reading is accurate. Then, take their temp again after 2-5 mins rest. If they’re still at that temp and holding, send them home ASAP. For employees who have cars, a few minutes in their car’s air conditioning may help.
At this time, we’re not excluding someone for second-hand exposure (only if they were directly exposed to a symptomatic or confirmed positive for prolonged close contact). Instead, the employee should monitor themself and their partner for symptoms. At the first sign of symptoms in the partner or symptoms of their own, the employee should be excluded for 14 days and practice self-quarantine.
Yes! See the CDC Guidance for Reopening Buildings After Prolonged Shutdown or Reduced Operation. Follow these guidelines carefully as you consider reopening. You may need to bring in outside resources, consult with Construction or a building’s engineers. And make sure you’re doing a thorough cleaning and sanitizing of all spaces when you return.
An SF doctor returning from working in NY reported a very full flight with people in most middle seats - definitely within 6 feet. Again, we DO NOT recommend flying (or any kind of travel) unless it’s critically necessary.