We do understand that taking temperatures may give some a sense of security or insurance - but that may be a false sense of security. Many patients have no fever, or no symptoms at all. Then, finding proper thermometers is almost impossible and the infrared thermometers we all frequently use for food temps don’t accurately record body temp. There may be some jurisdictions requiring this (please send us that info if you have it and we’ll share) but not many.
Although it would be helpful to exclude that employee, it really is very difficult to do that. If they’re asymptomatic, there is no clinical reason they cannot work according to the current CDC risk assessment. This may be another one to refer to HR.
Yes. When we speak with an employee whose symptom report is a cough and nothing else (no fever, no shortness of breath or other signs of illness), we’re asking if the cough is new. More often than not, the answer is no - I’ve had this cough for months, years, my whole life, I’m asthmatic, I have allergies, etc. We are not excluding employees whose cough is not new. We are excluding employees who have a newly developed cough.
Although the average onset time is 5.2 days from exposure, the incubation period is up to 14 days (there were a few examples elsewhere that were even longer than that). While someone who is already showing symptoms has to be kept out at least 7 days, plus three without symptoms, this 14-day exclusion is for someone who isn’t showing symptoms but was very likely exposed because they live with someone who is sick, traveled internationally, etc. Their exclusion is longer, because they may have been exposed on the first day that their family member showed symptoms, or on the fifth day. We just can’t know when they actually contracted the virus, if at all, so we have to exclude them the full 14 days.
History in a Crisis, Lessons for COVID-19