This scenario has come up multiple times in the last few days. When the employee has had a lab-confirmed COVID positive result, s/he is considered immune for at least 90 days. So, in all likelihood, this person is either experiencing a recurrence of symptoms (but isn’t infectious) or another viral illness. We’ve been excluding him/her for three days to allow 24 hours fever-free and see if other symptoms develop. Occasionally, we suggest a doctor’s note if symptoms are severe or are not resolved after 3 days.
Yes. The vaccination recommendations are based on age and risk factors, and it’s believed that COVID only provides 90 days of immunity. You should NOT get vaccinated if you are currently sick (with COVID or anything else). There is one very specific circumstance that requires delaying vaccination: if you received monoclonal antibody infusion, you must wait at least 90 days to be vaccinated. You must also delay if you’ve recently received other vaccinations (within the past 14 days for some viruses, longer for others).
That’s a scenario that is already occurring and, so far, we’ve not seen any difficulty in employees being vaccinated in the states where they work (when it’s available). Residency requirements have not applied. Many of us here at ZHH work in CT and live in NY, and we registered for vaccination in CT.
If a doctor believes it is a false negative and advises the employee to isolate, you should exclude the employee for 10 days from symptom onset. These tests continue to have a significant false negative rate and providers now have much more experience in accurately diagnosing COVID based on symptoms and close contact. If an employee lives with family members who are positive and has symptoms, then you should proceed as if they have COVID regardless of testing status.
At this point in time, no. Many are working on plans to strongly encourage or incentivize vaccination and to assist employees in getting vaccinated. However, there are employees who can’t take the vaccine because of allergies or religious reasons and others who refuse all vaccinations. This continues to evolve and there may be some employers whose final policies will require vaccination. Stay tuned...
Last week, we included news about Instacart, Dollar General and Trader Joe’s announcing a variety of incentives (ranging from 2 to 4 hours PTO to $50 or smaller gift cards) for employees. Many employers are discussing this as they develop their vaccination policies. It is a significant added expense and the impact on vaccination uptake rates are still unknown. As we see data on the effectiveness of incentives in improving vaccination rates, we’ll share it.
Vaccine news is better than we think...
It’s been a rough week with vaccination mayhem, national news, and surges continuing. Thought we all could use more than one laugh today. These COVID dad jokes are pretty funny:
Photo: Iwamura/Associated Press