Good question and one which you should absolutely clarify prior to initiating any testing. It is usually the health care facility who notifies the patient. However, in group testing settings, they do sometimes rely on the testing organizer (clinic, lab, or insurer) or ordering physicians to notify the patient. How it is handled is critically important. The patient should be notified before anyone else (and before contact tracing begins).
At this time, we are not excluding someone who tested positive and is later exposed. As we learn more about how long antibodies last (or don’t…), that may change. It is important that the employee who was sick was tested and tested positive. If they were not tested, and only a presumed positive or just symptoms, then they would be excluded for the later exposure out of an abundance of caution.
We would recommend that. Although we don’t know all of the details of that visit, it is unlikely the doctor would order a COVID test unless there were some symptoms reported that the doctor thought might possibly be consistent with COVID.
While there is no definitive answer to that, many people are getting tested too soon (like immediately after someone they know develops symptoms or tests positive). Best guidance is to be tested on day 4 or 5 after exposure.
Travel exclusion decisions are up to each employer and many vary by travel destination, travel modality, and other risks. There are employees who commute between Mexico and the US every day, and excluding them is not realistic. Yesterday’s CDC travel updates did specifically raise the risk level for Mexico to a level 3, or the highest level. The ZHH/Zedic Wellness Check no longer includes the international travel question because there continues to be very little international travel. But we are seeing more travel to Mexico than previously. There is no specific CDC guidance re: 14 day quarantine from Mexico, but specific state quarantines should be checked (and change frequently).
While COVID-19 is new, coronaviruses are not (example: the common cold is one). And we’re learning the prior exposure to coronaviruses may play some role in who gets sick or how sick and who doesn’t.