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We’ll cut right to the answer: there is no evidence at all that the MMR vaccine causes autism. But if you thought it did, you’re not alone. One in four adults in the U.S. thinks that the MMR vaccine (a routine childhood vaccination) can cause autism, so it’s a very persistent belief that may be part of the puzzle in terms of what’s fueling a rise in measles cases. We encourage you to learn more about the data on vaccines and autism, which have studied a lot of different childhood vaccines and their ingredients and haven’t found any data to suggest that vaccines are linked to autism. We appreciated this straightforward Parents.com article, which discusses how a lot of the history of distrust around the MMR vaccine goes back to one British scientist who conducted a study of just 12 children that was published in the Lancet but was later debunked and retracted due to fraudulent data and ethical concerns (among others, the lead scientist was suing the manufacturers of the MMR vaccine). The damage done by that type of bad science can’t be underestimated, and it’s amazing that nearly 20 years later, the myths launched by one unethical scientist and his team still persist. The good news is that as employers and managers, you are trusted messengers in your communities, so learning more about this and talking to your team about getting themselves and their children vaccinated for MMR really can make a difference.
Sources: CDC, Parents.com, NIH, Time
Answering this question is challenging because of the piecemeal system of over 3,000 state and local health departments in the United States. Each one has its own rules and list of reportable diseases, so the real answer here is that you have to check your own local and state health department to find out the answer.
That said, the majority of health departments in the U.S. are really only concerned about Shiga toxin-producing E. coli, or STEC, which includes O157:H7. Most state health departments, including New York, Texas, and California, only consider Shiga toxin-producing E. coli cases reportable, and many also explicitly call out O157:H7 for mandated reporting.
Notable exceptions include Wisconsin and Minnesota, which include other types of enteric (gastrointestinal) E. coli in their list of state-wide reportable diseases. That said, even if the state only considers STEC reportable, a city or county health department might have a different rule. On top of that, many states also require reporting for all outbreaks with multiple people sick from any type of E. coli.
In short, you need to check the state and local list of reportable diseases to know your specific situation. When in doubt, assume that your local health department will be informed if you have an employee with confirmed E. coli, and be prepared for a visit. In most cases, it’s the responsibility of the lab, hospital, or doctor’s office to report E. coli infection to the health department within a certain period of time, ranging from 24 hours to a week. But the food code in some states also requires employers to report certain illnesses, including STEC, to the health department, as well.
For ZHH clients, we can help you make decisions about when to call the health department and even call them for you to leverage our decades-long relationships with many of the largest (and strictest) health departments in the country. Chat in the app or give us a call for support if you have an employee diagnosed with E. coli.
As firefighters contain the wildfires in Southern California, the mental health effects are just starting. Crisis hotlines are already seeing a surge in calls from those affected. Experts say support—whether from friends, family, or professionals—can be the key to recovery.