Are Employee Wellness Checks Here to Stay?

Daily employee check-ins are an effective way to keep on top of your workforce's physical and mental health, and stay ahead of any potential outbreaks that could occur (COVID or not).

February 22, 2021

In a word, yes.

We've seen this scenario play out so many times: A sick employee shows up for his shift and doesn't disclose his symptoms to his manager. Whether you’re a restaurant, a hotel, or any other customer-facing business, this could lead to an outbreak.  Whatever industry you're in, sick employees can spell trouble.

Enter the virtual employee wellness check.

These daily employee check-ins are an effective way to keep on top of your employees' physical and mental health, and stay ahead of any potential outbreaks that could occur (COVID or not). The problem with other wellness checks out there is that you might catch a sick employee, but then your manager or human resource manager is on the hook for identifying the issue, determining if the employee can work, taking the proper action (and tracking all of this to boot!).

What makes Zedic’s wellness checks different is that ours are staffed by real clinical professionals who  chat with your employees at a moment's notice, giving you the security and the confidence to focus on what really matters: your business.

Here's how it works.

  1. Before his shift, the employee will fill out an online web survey confirming the name of his store manager and basic contact details.
  2. If he's good to go, he'll receive a green check mark indicating he's cleared for work. It's dated, so he can show his manager that he's been cleared.
  3. If the employee isn't cleared, he'll receive a text message and email from our clinical team asking him to elaborate more on his symptoms. Their job is to ask questions to get to the bottom of what's going on.
  4. Then, using what they've learned during the wellness check, our team can determine if the employee is able to work that day or, if not, determine when it's safe for him to return to work. After the employee is told, we notify his manager of the exclusion, too. We send special notifications for when employees confirm they are COVID+.

Ready to try our wellness checks out? Schedule a free demo here.